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 08-26-2007, 01:29 Post: 145022

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 Could cold weather starts have killed my Gator


When any engine is first started, it takes at least a few seconds before the oil pump can deliver the oil to all of the moving parts. The first parts to show wear are those that are located furthest from the oil pump. The more times an engine is started, the sooner it wears out. Engine wear is rarely related to the amount of work it does, but rather on the number of times it has been started and shut off.

In extremely cold weather conditions, engine wear will be greatly accelerated. This is because cold oil doesn't flow well. Therefore, it takes a much longer amount of time to reach all of the moving parts. Again, those parts furthest from the oil pump will take the greatest share of the abuse.

It's always a good idea to use light engine oil in cold weather. And it's also a good idea to keep that oil as warm as possible, through the use of space heaters, block heaters, oil pan heaters, or even tank heaters in the radiator hose.

The greatest amount of engine wear takes place within the first five seconds after the engine is started. The colder the weather, the longer it takes before the oil will flow properly. If the weather is extremely cold, this period of high wear can last as much a several minutes, which will greatly reduce any engine's lifespan.

If you have block heaters in your vehicles, you should use them anytime the temperature drops below zero. And before winter really sets in, it's best to change your engine oil, and replace it with the lightest oil listed in your operator's manual.

Cold temperatures wreak havoc on mechanical devices.


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 08-26-2007, 12:35 Post: 145038

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 Could cold weather starts have killed my Gator


I'm willing to bet that the cylinder furthest from the oil pump was the culprit.

I try so hard to teach my children to allow their vehicles to warm up properly before driving them, and to NEVER rev up any engine after first starting it.

Even if the engine is warm, the drive train is still frozen solid. The first mile or so should be driven at very slow speeds....especially at temps around -40.

Cold weather will kill a machine faster than most people would believe.

I cringe when my kids tell me that they need to go to town when the temps are in the -30 to -40 range. If a vehicle doesn't have to be started in these temps, don't do it. It's akin to committing murder, I tell ya.


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